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심상옥 이야기/아마존판 BOOK

아마존판 심상옥 시인 시집 'SAFE ZONE' 출간

by sangokshim 2023. 5. 19.

Safe Zone

by Sang-Ok Shim

May is the month of remembrance of those
Who died a long time ago*, and
I am reflecting on it
While coloring my life.
The natural language of the world that chews
On other people's flesh
With heart-filled messages
Flies to me like grass seeds.

While passing Banpo Bridge
I almost caused an accident
Because I crossed the centerline.
There is only a thin line
In the center of life,
And my life always
Insisted on having the second-lane speed.

I check myself again:
Like the street trees
that always stand there,
Birds fly

From a safe zone
That slows down life speed.


안전 지대

by 심상옥

5월은 그들을 기억하는 달
오래 전에 죽은 사람*, 그리고
나는 그것에 대해 반성하고있다
내 인생을 색칠하면서.
씹는 세상의 자연어
남의 살에
마음이 담긴 메시지로
잔디 씨앗처럼 나에게 날아갑니다.

반포대교를 지날 때
나는 거의 사고를 일으킬 뻔했다
중앙선을 넘었기 때문이다.
가느다란 선만 있을 뿐
삶의 중심에서,
그리고 내 인생은 언제나
2차선 속도를 고집했다.

다시 확인합니다.
항상 그 자리에 서 있는,
새가 날다

그것은 삶의 속도를 늦춘다.
anjeon jidae

by simsang-og